Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A compilation of things that have become normal

40 normal daily things that are weird or crazy in the U.S.

1. Bed bugs
2. Two lane roads that are actually 5
3. Safari cars in ditches
4. Giraffes on the side of the highway
5. Running from gunshots
6. Not being able to drink from the tap
7. Constant noise “if you can’t get to sleep your not tired enough”
8 Dola Dolas “you can always fit 2 more”
9. $1.50 beers that are twice the size
10. Hard alcohol that comes in plastic packages.
11. Huge  human drawn carts full of chickens
12. People pushing lawn mowers down the middle of the road
13. Goats and other animals in public transportation
14. Cold showers
15. Killing your food
16. Food that runs out of the restaurant. That’s how they know when to close
17. If a duka or restaurant doesn't have change you either don't get it or they tell you to come back later. 
18. Warm beer
19. Lions and hyenas in campsites
20. Staring is ok.
21. Marriage proposals everyday (some by married men)
22. Bumpy ass roads
23. Cars breaking down and the owners fixing them on the side of the road (if it’s a dola dola you wait until its fixed)
24. Sightings of albinos (almost everyday)
25. Daily power outages ( I was on a treadmill and almost fell overtop of it when the power suddenly went out)
26. lack of electricity and if you don’t have it steal it from your neighbor by throwing a wire onto the other wire
27. People calling me “mzungu” aka white person
28. Women who are most of the time bigger than men
29. seeing dead dogs almost daily off the sides of the roads or sidewalks
30. half built buildings everywhere.
31. Lack of traffic laws in general
32. Government corruption
33. bargaining for everything (fruit, clothes, bus tickets, jewelry, anything at any sort of market, cab rides). 
34. no waste management. Trash is piled in a corner and burned and there is no recycling
35. You can’t pet dogs :(
36. if it rains everything’s at a standstill
37. No laundry machines in the entire country
38. Banks only give 10,000 bills. They don’t give you small change no matter how hard you beg.
39. Meals cost $1.50.
40.  If you have writing on your shirt people passing you read it aloud to you 

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