Friday, October 19, 2012

Pictures from Homestay

Pictures from catching crabs and making them fight the first weekend 

Crab caught on the root. 

My Baba

the 3rd kid is my brother Amon
In and around the house: 
about a third of the kids who hang around my house. They loved showing off for the camera. 

Junior on Babas piki piki. he would get on it and make "vrroom vrroom" noises. although he would do this all around the house with sticks or chairs or anything really. 

Momma Junior

 Denise playing frisbee with his baby brother  
strapped to his back. He was really good. 

 My view on the way to school

Me and my friend Maggie

My friends Maggie and Bergen

My Momma

Momma and Baba

Coolest Brother 
Chawdema flag

Our favorite little bar we named the "meat hook" becuase there was a giant meat hook in it. There were many traditions and rules made for it but one of them was no smiling in pictures hence all the straight faces. 

Mazumbai crew

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