Saturday, September 8, 2012

Yesterday we went to what we thought was a used clothing store but ended up being a 8 football field long flee market packed with cloths, shoes, underwear, backpacks, bedding, and everything in between. It was just me and two other girls and we were the only 'Mzungu' (white people) in the entire thing, because of this we were bombarded with guys trying to sell us everything. For just the three of us there were probably 7 or 8 guys throwing dress after dress into our arms. Needless to say it was a bit overwhelming, but afterwards were filled with adrenaline from arguing with them about the price for the last 10 minutes. I can safely say we conquered bargaining at an authentic Tanzanian flee market.

This is a dola dola with a normal amount of people in it....not nearly maximum capacity though. Last night for a friends 21rst we rented out a whole dola dola and fit 25 people in it. 
 Hanging out the window for more space!

On the way home it was rush hour and instead of using the main road our dola dola swerved in and out of the back streets and driving into oncoming traffic to bypass lines of traffic. Everyday I get more and more amazed at the lack of driving laws, but like i said before at times I feel safer driving here than in the U.S.

Tomorrow were off to Tarangeri for a week and then maybe back in Arushu for a day then off to Mozambi mountains so I don't know when I'll get to blog again so Kwa Heri for now!

A women carrying bananas on her head right outside our hotel

Walmart is taking over!

The street we walk down to get to the SIT office is covered with gardens and nurseries. 

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