Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Class in Mazumbai

Top ( HUGE TREE in the tropical forest)

Middle ( view from my tent at the swiss Chalet)
Bottom ( Last day "saying goodbye" to the forest on this assingment we could bring cameras and go with friends) 

Class Today consisted of  us reading an article about how to enjoy nature and then as we finished one by one we were told to walk into the forest and go wherever we wanted and do whatever we wanted the only rules being we needed to be back
around 12 and we could not bring cameras, watches, books, music or anything but ourselves. After initially falling into the river trying to jump the bank I started bush waking my way up the mountains just following my nose. It was such a cool feeling, after getting far enough up the mountain, realizing that I was completely alone in a tropical rainforest in the middle of rural Tanzania. Not going to lie it was kinda freaky. After bush waking up the mountain for probably about an hour or two stopping to swing on vines and climb trees I found a great deadish tree that went about 20 feet high with a ton of other dead branches that intertwined to make what looked like a giant bird nest. I was barely able to make it up but once I did I kicked off my shoes, took off my shirt and dosed off. I woke up a little later to birds all around me darting from nest to nest. There were so many different birds singing and because I had been still for so long they didn’t realize I was there. This was one of the best class periods ever, I mean who can say their teacher told them to walk out into the middle of a tropical forest they know nothing about and jump in puddles, swing from vines, get naked, and do whatever you want, basically our assignment was to get lost in the woods. 

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